Sunday, March 13, 2022


Nursery - more nursery workers are needed during Sunday morning services.  Would you be willing to be a back-up or full time worker? 

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering - Throughout the month of March our church will be taking up One Great Hour of Sharing offering, which raises money for international disaster relief and the global refugee crisis.

Community Ecumenical Good Friday Service — April 15 at 7 pm at the Albion Church of The Nazarene.  Consider joining the choir, see Jennie for details.

Dinner with Pastor Nate and Jennie — a sign-up sheet is in the lobby

Bethany Ministries — "Hope for the Journey" Simulcast — April 8th from 8am to 6pm at the church.  Help is needed for child care and servers. 

Camp Judson Capital Campaign Pledge Cards —  Please pray and give as the Spirit leads.